Discover if consulting is right for you with the TrueFit Assessment

Introducing the TrueFit Assessment

Considering starting a consulting or freelancing business? If so, we know you have questions. Questions like:

  • Is consulting right for me? Or not?
  • What does it take to be ready? Am I ready?
  • If I’m not ready, what can I do to be ready?
  • What is my next best move?

These are perhaps some of the most important questions you’ll ask in your career!

At LEAP, we know that having a career as an independent consultant can provide you with great income potential, the ability to do the work you love and a way to integrate your work with the rest of your life.

We also know that consulting is not for everyone.

That’s why we’ve put together the TrueFit Assessment, a way you can find answers to your questions. A way to understand what it takes to be successful as a consultant and to assess if you have what it takes. A process to help you determine your readiness and then put together a plan that moves you forward. 

You’ll want to invest in TrueFit if you’d like to:

  • Determine if owning a consulting business is a good fit for you (or not)
  • Identify where you are well positioned and where you have gaps
  • Put together a go-forward plan to build a career that works for you
As a consultant, my income potential is better than what I would earn inside an organization. I'm also filled with a sense of purpose and have more time for myself and doing the other things in life I enjoy.
Kris Taylor
Founder of Evergreen Leadership & LEAP

How does TrueFit work?

TrueFit provides you with a structured process to assess if consulting as a career is a good fit for you and to identify areas where you may have gaps. This is an online assessment that walks you through a series of questions to explore, research, and reflect upon.

You’ll walk through a 5 step process, then put it together and create a go-forward plan.

This is not a pass/fail assessment or 20-minute online assessment. It is a series of steps with the right questions you should be considering. 

We’ve put together a way for you to explore consulting as a career for you in five key areas:

  1. Understanding your motivations for this career choice
  2. Defining your marketable expertise
  3. Understanding where you stand financially
  4. Assessing the state of your network
  5. Determining if you are enough of a self-starter to launch your own business

This is not a “test”, but a reflective process which guides you through key considerations that will impact your success as a consultant. 

We don’t have the answers, but we know the right questions to ask. The right answer is within you. Truefit will help you discover what is true for you.

How Much Time Will it Take?

TrueFit is self-paced, so the amount of time you’ll spend depends on how quickly you work. Some steps will require you to do some research or engage in deeper thought. Most people will spend between 6 and 8 hours completing this – as they know that the quality of their input will provide them with the best output.

What if I Do This and I Find Consulting is Not a Good Fit?

Then Truefit did exactly what you want it to! Far better to determine that running your own consulting business is not the best choice BEFORE you leave your job and spend a lot of time, money, and energy building something that you will hate.

What if I Do This and I Find Consulting is a Good Fit for Me?

Celebrate for a bit, for we think consulting is a great career choice for so many professionals. And then get down to work! Put together your plan (the final step of the TrueFit process). Execute your plan. And explore the resources at LEAP that can help you launch your business smarter, faster, and with trusted support.

Meet Kris & Katie

We created LEAP because starting our own consulting businesses was the best possible decision we could have made for our careers, and we want to help others start their consulting businesses swiftly, smartly, and with support. 

Kris has over 15 years of experience in consulting as a leadership and organizational development consultant at Evergreen Leadership. Katie founded Elevate Online nearly four years ago and has been doing digital marketing consulting since.

If you’re interested in learning more about our consulting journeys, head on over to our About Page.